
All notable changes to TOTO will be documented in this page.


Re-enabled endpoint

[Updated] Re-enabled the /metadata/get_latest_tweets endpoint. It is currently set at 6 credits per successful call.


Minor route changes and a new error

[Updated] The /metadata/get_userid endpoint's credit value is now 0 from 1 and does not require an api key to use.

[Updated] The default namespace endpoint /info does not require an api key to use.

[Added] A new error has been added for users with a subscription. The below 429 error is shown if a user has a subscription, that subscription has expired, and there is no credits remaining.

{"Error": "Subscription expired and credit value exceeded", "Endpoint": namespace, "Current credits": user_credits}, 429


Addition: Pagination information

[Added] The following routes have received pagination information:

  • /graph/get_followers

  • /graph/get_following

  • /alpha/get_score_history

  • /metadata/get_metadata_history

  • /metadata/get_tweets

{'user': 'oz_dao', 'how': 'username', 'page': 1, 'previous_page': None, 'next_page': None, 'page_items': 3, 'data': [{...}], 'current_credits': 1000}

Routes with pagination information will always return these keys with a value of either a number or None: page, previous_page, next_page, page_items

Updated: UTC/Zulu time handling for specific endpoints

[Updated] /graph/get_followers and /graph/get_following will now correctly interpret UTC/Zulu time ('Z'). For example, the datetime string '2023-04-01T15:30:00Z' will now be interpreted as '2023-04-01T15:30:00+00:00', ensuring accurate timezone alignment.


Breaking Update: Response Standardization

[Updated] All* API responses under the data key are now standardized as a list of dictionaries, ensuring a consistent data format across our endpoints.

'data': [{'username': 'oz_dao', 'last_checked': '2024-03-18T12:20:26.473134+00:00'}]

*/metadata/get_latest_tweets, /lists/get_list_members, and /lists/get_latest_list_tweets will still return the following non-standardized response: {"message": "This route coming soon!"}, 200. Please note that calling these endpoints will not result in the loss of credits.

Update: New optional parameter

[Updated] /graph/get_followers and /graph/get_following have been updated to accept an optional since parameter. This parameter should be an ISO formatted datetime string. Calling these 2 endpoints with this optional parameter allows you to fetch the latest followers/following since the specified datetime, otherwise it will fetch the latest 500 followers (if available).

d = '2022-10-09'
d_datetime = datetime.datetime.strptime(d, '%Y-%m-%d')
d_iso = d_datetime.isoformat()

payload = {
    'user': 'oz_dao',
    'how': 'username',
    'page': 1,
    'since': d_iso # Optional!


Addition: Response Body Key

[Added] A Current credits key is now returned in the response body. This shows the current credits you have after an API call.

Example Response
{'user': '...', 'data': [{...}], 'current_credits': 1000}

Last updated